Whole/Half/Quarter Cow Deposit

Whole/Half/Quarter Cow Deposit


$100 deposit to secure a grass-fed whole, half, or quarter beef.

Pricing includes slaughter fee, butchering costs, vacuum sealing, grinding, boxing, and storage.

  • Whole Beef (~360 lbs.): $4500

  • Half Beef (~180 lbs.): $2295

  • Quarter Beef (~90 lbs.): $1170

Cuts include 1’’ thick steaks (bone-in ribeye, t-bone, porterhouse, flank, strip, and tenderloin). 3-4 lb. roasts (chuck and chuck arm roasts), stew meat, and ground beef. Organs, short ribs, and bones are available as well. Let us know if you’d like a different cut list.

Pickup on farm or in Viroqua.

Delivery available in Madison or LaCrosse.

Beef will be available Summer, Fall, and Winter.

*Prices subject to change.

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